Brand and the bottom line

Posted on 26th June 2012

Brand and the bottom line

He presented a top ten of examples of how brand can be used to improve business performance.

We know there are many more than 10 (we'd be delighted to hear yours) but our list consists of 5 internal and 5 external reasons why brand makes business sense, here's our starter for ten:

  1. Create a clear vision and share it
  2. Be clear about your offer
  3. Hymn sheet, get one
  4. Release the energy in your business
  5. Strong brands are important to employees too
  6. Create a promise you believe in (and can deliver)
  7. Know where you fit in the life of your customer
  8. Stand out from the crowd
  9. No point of difference, no point at all
  10. Brand gives customers more reasons to buy

To view a PDF version of the brand and the bottom line presentation, please click here