Better Together

Posted on 13th September 2011

Better Together

Imagine a school choir singing at assembly but nobody has been told which song to sing. You’d end up with an unruly cacophony of noise.

What does a together business mean for me?
• It means less confusion, less wasted time and less wasted energy.
• It means greater team harmony, working in an environment where people are able to deliver
   with more consistency, inventiveness and speed.
• It means better delivery, a better customer experience leading to happy customers and
   inevitably customer referral, recommendation and repeat business

Businesses perform better when their people are truly together, when all departments are working to the same brand ‘song sheet’ and everyone is clear about what’s required of them to deliver the brand standards which deliver a joined-up customer experience. Sounds easy, but it takes discipline and effort. It requires cross functional team collaboration, communication and openness and someone to conduct the whole ensemble.

So, ask yourself. Do you have a song to sing and how many of your people actually know the tune?